"What People Are Saying ... "
"Thank you kindly for sharing such a special chapter in yours and your family's life. Your documentary was so moving for me. This year has been a revolutionary, earth moving, spiritually connected time for me. I believe people don't just come into peoples lives randomly. I truly believe there is a higher power in the cosmos and that energy draws us together. Your documentary I strongly connected with, soulfully. I thank you for sharing. Gina. August 9, 2018."
" Thank you for creating such an inspirational documentary. I've been on my own journey for self discovery for many years and have always wanted to spend time in Peru as a way to really jump start a more spiritual awakening that I have felt coming on during the years I have been soul searching. I also live in Austin, TX and am hoping you might be able to connect me with some people who are planning a tour of Machu Pcchu that I may join! Thank you again for sharing such a difficult, personal and emotional story. You really touched me!" Shanna of Austin, TX (May 7, 2018)
"My name is Rachelle and I'm from New Zealand. 48 hours ago, I watched your movie and although it intrigued me and aligned with my own souls work, I didn't expect to be SO MOVED. I have just stepped into my Dharma/purpose, and ever since saying YES to that, so much is coming in to guide me and deepen me, and your story depicted in this movie is certainly now part of my language. I too have watched my Eldest born Daughter battle with drugs for ten years. Thankfully she did not have any children during this time, yet, it made it no easier. Last year she took a short course at a Tech institute and this year, she enrolled into University to take her studies further. She has just in the last few weeks ended a relationship with who I'm hoping is the last of that energy in her bed, and I'm seeing that everything it aligning in a magical and beautiful way. Fredy (Puma) brings tears to my eyes when he speaks, and I have re watched parts of the movie so that his teachings may be further absorbed. I am born in the Southern Hemisphere and now feel so much stronger knowing that the wings of the Condor are upon my back and the awake playfulness of baby Puma is alive within my heart. Thank you so much, for making this film. Thank you. Thank you. Oceans of love to you, Ariana and the children and grandchildren of your family. May your lineage be blessed in every direction. Warmest regards Rachelle." (April 23, 2018)
"I saw your movie on Gaia on your trip to Peru...very inspiring! Namase." Kim Rusch (December 30, 2017) Studied Psychology at Lolola Marymount University, now living in Austin, Texas.
"I truly loved your film!" Anthony Teresi (December 29, 2017)
"I just watched your movie Keepers of the Light on Gaim. Thank you for following your inner light and producing a beautiful message. My name is Denise Dews and I own an Art Studio/Gallery in Southwest Austin called Sacred Arts Studio and Gallery. I hope to cross paths with you in the future." Denise Peskie Dews (August 7, 2017) Austin , Texas
"I loved the movie and would love to buy the DVD but it's not possible in South Africa." Tamara Wensing (16 August 2017)
“Engaged…Reflective…Every hour of every day I must do my best for my children in guiding and teaching. We each play a part in making the world. My small step of a self-sustaining lifestyle won’t cure the worlds ills but if we all do our part, it will make a difference.” Brenda-Jo Cox, Retired Lawyer, Austin, Texas (2010)
“You’re bringing important information to mankind.” Gertrude D. Sherman (Reston, Virginia)
“Wonderful and inspiring! Full of spiritual truths and universal guidance.” Lisa Arit Escoto (Ashton, Virginia)
“It reminds me to live in trust with my heart open wide!” Sherry Mikols, University Financial Aid Administrator, Washington D.C. (2009)
“A moving film with such a wonderful message.” Stephanie Taylor, Kitchen Design (2009)
“High degree of spiritual integrity. This film will touch all who see it. The impact will occur over time and link a lot of people.” Anonymous, Washington, D.C.
“Puma is amazing and offers from his heart truths for every family.” Tammy Vogler, Homemaker (Reston, Virginia) (2009)
“A very personal story that the world needs to hear.” Lara Sattva Bontempo, Artist, Yoga Educator, Reflexologist (Bethesda, Maryland)
“Very accessible and powerful. Shows how the power of attention can heal lives.”
Margery Berringer-Schuran, Design Consultant (Alexandria, Virginia) (2009)
“A very engaging story of a family’s personal transformation and healing intertwined with a much larger story of planetary healing and transformation that is essential right now. I want to see it again!” Michael Powazrik, Osteopath (Chevy Chase, Maryland) (2009)
“The teachings of Puma are very powerful. They go straight to the core. He speaks a lot about family, though for me as a single woman without children, it is about community and the way we are interconnected as humanity. Everyone can get a message from this movie on a personal and wider level. The personal story is important because people can relate to it” Barbara Mark, Editor (Washington D.C.)
"Enlightened. A story of life and the travels we must all make." Dave Rutledge, Red Hawk Media (2010)
"It made me wake up." Susan Greenberg - Zonta Intnl Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide
"It made me think about the power we have within ourselves." Fanny Alexandrovich-Habgood - Peruvian Native - Austin, Texas
"It made me feel complete." Hanna Greenlee , Student (Dripping Springs, Texas)
"There [is] a powerful download and much magic in [this] movie." Spiritual Teacher of Geometrical Light Language
"The film made me feel appreciative of the many blessings [sic] I have" Jackie Blue, Single Mom, Austin, Texas
"The day after [screening], I had flashbacks about the movie and would see/hear Puma speaking... that made [the messages] come alive to me."
Susan Boulden, Hospital Case Manager, Church Music Director (Austin, TX)
"...thought provoking and has the potential to encourage others to explore their own journey." Mary Jo Dees, Homemaker, Dripping Springs, Texas
"Having just returned from a trip to Peru myself, it was amazing to see an authentic depiction of the spiritual life and culture that I experienced there!"
Noelle Roe, Entrepreneur/Adventurer (Texas Resident)
"Very powerful" Chuck Hermanek, Arlington, Virginia
"Better than 'What's the Bleep'! Physicist, Ashton, Virginia
"You heal with your movie." Vickers Pope, RN, Virginia
"You're bringing important information to mankind" Gertrude D. Sherman (Reston, VA)
Wonderful and inspiring! Full of spiritual truths and universal guidance" Lisa Arlt Escoto (Ashton,Virginia)
"It reminds me to live in trust with my heart open wide!" Sherry Mikols, University Financial Aid Administrator, Washington, D.C.
"A moving film with such a wonderful message." Stephanie Taylor, Kitchen Design
"High degree of spiritual integrity. This film will touch all who see it. The impact will occur over time and link a lot of people" Anonymous, Washington, DC
"Puma is amazing and offers from his heart truths for every family." Tammie Vogler, Homemaker (Reston, Virginia)
"A very personal story that the world needs to heard --- A very personal story that the world needs to hear." Lara Sattva Bontempo, Artist, Yoga Educator, Reflexologist (Bethesda, Maryland)
"Very accessible and powerful. Shows how the power of intention can heal lives"
Margery Berringer-Schuran, Design Consultant (Alexandria, Virginia) (2010)
“A very engaging story of a family 's personal transformation an healing intertwined with a much larger story of planetary healing and transformation that is essential right now. I want to see it again!" Michael Powazrik, Osteopath (Chevy Chase, MD)
"The teachings of Puma are very powerful. They go straight to the core. He speaks
a lot about family, though for me as a single woman without children, it is about community and the way we are all interconnected as humanity. Everyone can get
a message from this movie on a personal and wider level. The personal story is
important because people can relate to it." Barbara Mark, Editor (Washington, DC)
FROM Katya Polk: Hello I just viewed this film last night and was touched by the story and realness of everyone involved. I need help healing and that is why I am writing, I wish to heal properly and fully but don't know how to get there myself, I have family but am really alone right now. I recently began my reawakening experience after viewing GMO OMG and from there have since viewed about 10 other equally eye opening films that have led me to this site. Watching Puma and the Lady Shaman I know their words to be true. I'm not sure how or what to do from here but I have taken steps to start cleansing my body of toxins and as of last night threw out my bong and marijuana as I have been an addict since I was 9 or so. I humbly ask for strengthening prayers to keep my mind clear of toxins and keep up this journey that I now find myself on. I realize now I NEED to fix myself before I can truly start helping others around me. That is what I have always wanted to do in my heart but was dimmed and doubted not just by others but most importantly myself. I would like to someday meet with Puma and the Lady Shaman but until then I wish to further detox my body as well as my mind and soul. And have just heard about grounding and will implement that into my life. I must confess that I have been a hermit since 2008 and am truly hindered by that fact, but I now see that had I not become a hermit I would not find myself here today on this path. I want to heal and fix myself, my family, my community but need guidance. Like I said I don't know what to do from here except take it upon myself to buy up copies of the same films that have started me on this journey and pass them on to others. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and also a BIG Thank You to all those involved with the making of the film. (2016).
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